Monday, January 07, 2008

Nigerian authors

I've never been to Nigeria. Honestly I am not even thinking of going to Nigeria, and it is on my list of countries where I am unlikely to agree to go to work...and there are only three countries on that list - I am not counting the countries where I will not work because it is illegal for a woman to work there or travel there without a male relative.

I am doing the Expanding Horizons reading challenge and I am considering of doing it with just Nigerian authors... though I can't help but wonder if this does not do the exact opposite to what the original intent of the challenge was, ie. narrow my reading down as oppose to expand it, but since I had never before read any Nigerian authors I think it might still be in the intended spirit.
I had thought about it, then abandoned the idea but I just read Veronica's review of "Half of a Yellow Sun" by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and I started looking around for other Nigerian authors. As it turns out Wikipedia has a page for Nigeria authors.

Here is a copy of their list that I have changed a little. I've put the name so that they are all written with the last name first, and I have added year of birth if I could find it, in a few cases years they were writing instead and in a some cases comments relevant to me.

So now of course I am again considering keeping the challenge to Nigerian authors. I didn't picked my list before starting, so up until the end I can change my mind.