Monday, January 07, 2008

The Save River then and now

Zambia has had quite a bit of rain. Mozambique has been dry so far but the some of the rivers have to go through Mozambique on their way to the sea. Today I went to see the Save (pronounced Sa-vey) which I had not seen since Winter (winter here, summer in the northern hemisphere).
I could tell that the level of the river had already dropped down by a metre or so from the high water mark on the shore, but still, what a difference!

Here is two views of the East side of the bridge.

This is the other side. It isn't quite the same view but on the left in the distance you can recognize the land coming towards the river. It ends with a sort of a rounded nose because of hte trees. You can also see the difference in tree colours between the two seasons.

Looking in the distance, again on the East side of the bridge. Similar view in Winter and in Summer. Note this time the two shores look like they will meet and end more gradually and look like a shard point going to the water.