Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I can't just write about anything I want

I am sure you realize that a lot of what goes on at work I cannot write about. Sometimes because it is confidential information which does not belong to me, sometimes it is just because what is going on is best not to be referred to EVER. I always assume that both the client and the competition to the client are reading this...and I do know of a case where the client ended reading the blog of their wellsite geologist and complained about it.
So when "things" happen at work I don't write about it.

I will just say that last couple of work rotations have been very difficult, lots happened but nothing I can write about. People who know about it will know ...if you know what I mean....Wow, how very cloak and dagger of me.

Soon I will be back at work, and back into it all, writing about the fowers I see etc all while unbelievable stuff that I cannot mention happens.