Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Just another day, but a grumpy one apparently

Today started as one of those days. When I got up at 3:00am this morning I was cold, the air was damp and for unknown reason I was grumpy as hell. Then I realized that once again we had no water. So once again I showered with a bottle of mineral water! At least I was ready for that kind of problem and had a bottle with me.
Normally it doesn’t bother me, but this morning since I share the bathroom with a stinky old man (the night company man) and he had not been able to flush the toilet the bathroom was a nightmare.
Man, does this old guy stink or what! Not to mention that the way we are set up I can hear everything that goes on in this bathroom and it is UGLY!

After I sent my report I actually went back to bed (which I never do). Of course when the day company man did not see me at 6:00am, when I usually go for coffee after we have all sent our reports, he worried that maybe something was wrong with me and he came and knocked on my door.

That half hour sleep was enough for me to wake up my bitter twisted self, but not grumpy!

Apparently I am not the only grumpy one though. Today everybody is a little grumpier than usual and there doesn't seem to be any particular reason. Good day to let people rant and rave and remember to just listen and not take anything personally when they go on and on. I've just listen to a 10 minute rant about how Canadians are all the same and make a big deal out of nothing....And later on I listen to day guy tell the mudloggers how he is my second boss!!!! Amazingly enough I just stood there and genuinely didn't care.

I am really mellowing out. Even just a year ago I would have pointedly reminded him that I work WITH him and not FOR him. *shrug* Admit it you're shocked.