I don't have a themometer. I just thought of checking the present weather condition in Hassi Messaoud on the internet.
present temperature at 7:00pm: 46C...fair enough
Humidity: N/A ...............
not "zero" just "N/A". Basically they are telling you "give you head a shake here...this is the desert. We will not even discuss humidity!"
Humidity: N/A.... Well the inside of my nose knew that!
As I wrote to JVC today showers are an excuse to stand under water waiting for the mositure level in the air to get to a level where the inside of your nose actually feels alright.
The bathroom at the rig, as you can imagine, are tiny, but it is very hard to get any condensation on the mirror and when you do if you open the door to run out quickly it dissapear instantly...and so does the relief for the inside of your nose.
I have never spent so much time thinking about the inside of my nose....
I remember the nice moist air of Trinidad and how good it felt on the skin!