Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Thirty six days and counting

I have been on the offshore rig for thirty six days already. I am nearly finished but not quite yet.
Honestly it is a long time not to be able to go anywhere and most of all not to be able to go anywhere where there isn't noise...lots of noise....people talking, engines roaring, motors growling, hydraulics hissing , pumps churning, breaks squeaking, speaker blasting announcements and all that kind of stuff.
I'm tired of it.

I have just finally made, once and for all my mind up about the job offer for a permanent (as permanent as jobs ever are!) in the office in Johannesburg. After much troubled thoughts about it, after having changed my mind many times I have decided not to take it.
I cannot give up 5 months of holidays per year for 5 weeks just so I can go home in the evening. I cannot know today what I will do at 3:00pm on March 23rd in two years. I cannot picture myself getting up in the morning the first day of that job knowing that it is the first day of many which will be the same. And most of all I cannot put up with the brutal office politics.
I have to find a nice way to turn it down...I have already turned it down twice and each time they have come up with a better offer, but this time this is it.

I am looking forward to a few months of time off.... I know I am lucky! how many people can say that: "I am looking forward to a few months off"!
Maybe I'll regret it later, especially with the situation the way it is, but I'll deal with that when I get there. I'm not ready to make the reasonable decision which I think will not make me happy.

By the way I am still reading "The Corn King and the Spring Queen" and still enjoying it. I am about two third of the way through but I have little time for it, and it is not one of those books you can just pick up and put down in a second.