Sunday, March 30, 2008

Nearly 6:00am in Zimbabwe...still no official results

Late at night here and nearly 6:00am in Zimbabwe: The news are saying that they will release the results soon. So far no sign of violence but apparently people in Harare (the capital city) have been told to stay indoors.
6:00am....In southern Africa. 6:00am is day light and one of the many things that always sort of amazed me about sub Saharan Africa in general is how people get up with the first day light or earlier. I know they are up.
I wonder how much longer we have to wait.

And while I wait here is a thought: in the last election in my city there was a 41% participation. In Zimbabwe this Saturday some people got up in the middle of the night so they could stand in line to vote. Most waited for hours to get to vote.This photo is from BBC News World.