Sunday, February 17, 2008

February 17th update

So I am back at work. This time I am in the office in Johannesburg, and apart for a planned fairly short trip to Mozambique to look at some cores, I will spend my entire rotation in the office.
Life when working in the office makes life when working at the rig look like fun. All I do here is get up before 6:00am, go to work, come back after 6:00pm, eat in my room and sleep. this is of course seven days a week.

I have to eat in my room because to go anywhere from the hotel I have to walk over a walkway which as become a perfect place to get robbed at gun point. They (the hotel) tried to set up a system where one could call the security guards and they would come and walk across the bridge with you. But since somebody was robbed at gun point when accompanied by two security guards (without guns) they gave up on the all idea.

I am mildly bored and pretty sure that I will get to bored to death before the end unless I get to go to Mozambique for a week, stay in a nice lodge by the ocean but spend my working hours doing tedious work which will, I am sure, end up being mostly a huge clean up of the government warehouse....I guess this is why I get paid to do it; because I would not do it for fun.

I am thinking of stopping in Vietnam on my way home at the end of my rotation to go and see Ben...It all depends on whether or not I can get a ticket. If I can't I will do another trip in Southern Africa.