Saturday, December 08, 2007

Remember the cold?

This is for those of view who use to live in Calgary and have left, just in case you are feeling a little home sick and you are thinking that it would be nice to be somewhere cold for Xmas.
The photo above was taken at 11:00am...Note the colour of the sky! a beautiful (sarcasm) flat dull grey-white. And yes, the lighter patch UNDER the water is ice starting to form on top of the rocks at the bottom of the river...

Do you remember how cold it has to be before ice starts floating on the river?
Do you remember how long it has to be that cold before ice floats on the river?

Now that it is all back in your mind again, just remember that next it will be too cold to even hope to see liquid water...It will all be ice....
Now go back to what you were doing and REALLY appreciate the warmth..
Come on, keep moving, there's nothing to see around here... ;-)

And by the way, I took these photos with my new camera....Honestly there is no difference with the old one.