Thursday, August 30, 2007

back at work...GGGRRRRR!

I'm back in Mozambique at work!
I fell like death warmed over! I hope I am not catching something. Most likely I am just way tired with all the flying, bad sleep in airports and anonymous hotel rooms, etc. Lately I have even completely given up wondering where I am when I wake up.

I feel that Namibia is way too nice and the weather in the Kananaskis country is too perfect for me to be working right now.

It doesn't happen to me very often, but right now I totally do not feel like being at work. Thankfully I know that once I have a good night sleep I will be over this. The only problem is that in the next 24 hours I have to TD the well (TD= total depth= finish the well) and then spend three to four days in the logging truck with little to no sleep...In other words, give me another week and I'll feel better.