Thursday, January 11, 2007

the new policy and my new job

Things are nearly done here. Then?
I really don't know. The client company is saying that they will end my contract (big threat here since it is the end of the contract) and cancel my visa because even though they gave me their word that I could travel in Algeria with their visa (It was the only condition I negotiated prior to accepting the job) they do not want me to travel in Algeria on my free time anymore.
I am sure I do not need to give you the official line "safety...blah blah blah blah...liability...blah blah bah policy....blah blah blah blah blah"
Anyway, I haven't decided yet what to do, mostly because getting a new visa is not easy in Algeria. I need an invitation from a hotel and then I HAVE to stay at that hotel for the duration of my stay.

On a totally different note: I have accepted the job in Mozambique..for a South African company, for a year as a rotation, so 35 days on, 35 days off.
I am supposed to go to Mozambique for about a week in Mid February and then for work in Mid to late March. Right now I am too exhausted to be overjoyed by it..but once I have slept I know I will be smiling about it. I am very happy about this job.