Thursday, November 23, 2006

the sand

This time the rig is pretty much on top of a very very big dune (flattened at the top by hours of bulldozer work to make a space for us).
Two new things in the sand around us. At least one spot is "singing" sand. When you walk on it (at least during the warm part of the day, I haven't tried when it is cold) the sand makes a double sounds, sort of like a "booom, booom" for each step...hard to describe...To be clear, this is not a subtle little thing between sound and vibration, It is a loud sound. Kind of cool!

AND, I found so me very small snail shells in the sands...quite a few of them. I have no idea if they hard last springs generation of some local snails, or if they are quaternary/tertiary or what ever! I don't know enough about snails to know if they are at all indicative of environment. I considered for a split second trying to find somebody who does research in this type of things, but then again I cannot do this without asking the petroleum company and I don't even want to get started with that...Shame though. For all I know maybe somebody would be thrilled to have them.