Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Laughing...or at least smiling

I managed to go for a long walk yesterday since I am on casing break (a few days when I do not have to stay at the rig).
I walked to the old location of one of one of the other rig working around here. Not much of the rig was left, but just enough for one guard to be left on duty and have a radio with him. The deal was that I would go to the rig and "report in" so that the security guys would know at what time I got there and left.
It was a nice break. I did a loop around The Big Dune just south of us and was able to spend over an hour out of sight and far enough not to be able to hear the rig...what a great break!

Altogether I figure the loop was about 8 kilometres which in the sand is a good hike. I came back feeling great.

It looks like the security guys are actually getting used to having me around. The thing is my regular OLC (security guard) is not here and I have a replacement guy who is apparently WAY easier going. Right now we are playing "musical rig" with our OLC until our regular guy comes back. Next week we have a different guy... As long as I can come and go as I please I don't really care one way or the other.

I have to say that it was pretty good of them to let me go since the other expats from the rig crew have to go with an armed escort when they want to turn the water on and off from the water well a kilometre or so away. At lunch there was a few remarks about me being allowed to go and I just asked "Do you have a radio when you go to the water well" and when they answer no I just commented "That's why" and let them come to the wrong conclusion that I HAD a radio with me on my walk!

(the hyena in the photo is meant to represent me laughing and enjoying my new freedom)