Friday, August 25, 2006


Before going to Maasailand I had five days to wonder around. Of course I had landed in Nairobi and of course like all big cities it ultimately is just a city...though to be fair to say that some of the people who came to volunteer had a hard time getting used to it. Also this is where Kibera maybe not a city like all cities...Kibera is the biggest slum in Africa and the second biggest slum in the is HUGE...Not the kind of place where you want to go wearing flip-flops..there is no or very little underground "water evacuation" system and the little there is is often plugged by plastic bags...If you thought plastic bags were bad wait till you go to Kibera an you will think that they are one of the worst thing ever.
Dogs, pigs, goats etc of course roam somewhat free eating the garbage...what they can find in there after several groups of humans have gone through is a mystery to me.
Amazingly enough people who live there come out of it looking like the rest of the crowd.

If you saw the movie "the constant gardener" it is shot in Kibera...just in the movie it looks a lot cleaner than in reality. They must have cleaned the parts they needed for the movie.