Saturday, July 08, 2006

pumpkin stew and safety "concerns"

Just as things were settling in and our safety people were starting to get use to the all thing (those on my rig are new) we just had a small incident that will change all this.
Apparently a all pile of licence plates and a reserve of fuel were found suggesting that some people were getting set up to steal cars (read carjack people) and take them south -the cars not the people- to Niger for resale.
Last night there was a car chase involving three unknown cars and a car full of our guards..the guards rolled their car...nobody was badly hurt.
So we are back to "no traveling at night unless absolutely needed" etc etc. Before people star freaking out here I should say that we do not know if they intend to steal OUR cars or use our roads to travel with cars stolen somewhere else...Sorry I am not the person with the exciting blog, the exciting blog is somebody else!

Anyway...I am going to a BBQ tonight...the second one this week, and that's the extent of the excitement in my life!!

I guess I will just have to be back before dark...before I turn into a pumpkin...would it not be funny if we got carjacked and the car turned into a pumpkin...I am not sure how much pumpkins are worth in Niger, but I should imagine not very much!!!

Which makes me think of the delicious pumpkin stew we had for breakfast in Trinidad sometimes...This time of day...I am getting hungry.