Sunday, June 11, 2006

More arrowheads

two different sites. The rougher and the finer..not that far apart.
Pottery fragments are not as rare as arrowheads, but decorated pieces like the one in the photo are quite rare from what I am told.
I put looking for arrowheads and golfing in the same sort of activity... something to do while you walk around / a good excuse to get out there.
Yesterday I had a "revelation": arrowhead carvers were the first geologists. They had to recognise chert and know where to find it.
I thought of this when the guard who was with me -I still haven't explained the guards!-....when the guard who was with me asked what I was looking for...I told him and showed him the chert fragments and explain that they were a good indicator of possible arrowheads, so he looked and looked...and concluded "different people are good at different things. To me all the rocks look the same"...