First snow in Calgary today.
At one point it snowed heavily enough that you could look at it falling down and feel like you were shooting up like a rocket, up and up and up.
Favourite parts of having snow:
- Feeling like you are going up to the sky when you watch it falling.
- Going out at night and having two shadows in the snow, the blue from the moon and the yellow from city lights. You really only get this in snow, but this time there just isn't enough now to get this. You need both a snow cover on the ground (and the snow is not sticking this time, or at least not yet) and you need a clear sky so the moon shines through.
- The hollow singing sounds it makes when you walk on it when it is very cold
- snow devils you get also when it is very cold and you get very fine flakes caught in the wind at ground level.
- Everthing looks clean
- The chance to wear winter coats (I am a coat person. I have 3 inuit coats that I have somehow gathered over the years, and 2 "old man coats" that I really like too)