My last rotation off in South Africa I went to New Bethesda in the Karoo. This small village claim the fame is The Owl House. First the photos, and then maybe one day I'll explain.
This has to be the saddest, most desperate place I have ever seen in my life. I makes the slums of Kiberra look happy and hopeful. When I passed the door to enter the garden I was so overwhelmed with the general feeling of the place that I nearly turned around and left without visiting the place.
I am told some people go there and view it as a inspiring artistic place. I saw the sad concrete "scream" of a lost woman.
I know a all bunch of you (if there is a "all bunch of you" reading this) are going to thing that it was m projected feelings onto the place, and more a statement about my life etc etc etc .... psychological babble ..... how can a woman alone be happy...etc etc etc...but it wasn't. If there is one thing I do well in life is being honest to myself.
The sad part wasn't about being alone. The sad part was about not being able to live without expressing it so loudly, about being so devoured by it that it takes your life beyond what other people can handle (this small village was never able to handle this woman) and being so desperate that your scream for what ever it is you want actually isolates you even more. It might appear as a form of communication, but from my point of view, since communication is about getting a message across, alienating people from you by your attempt at communication is not good....Now if all you want is express yourself with no care for the results and no worries about being understood..then it is something else.
I don't know, Helen (the woman of the Owl House), came across to me as being tortured by a need for expression that she could neither control, nor channel into something that would make her happy, but that's just my take on it.