Monday, September 29, 2008


Well, this is it I am on an offshore platform, working. Or at least I should be working, but we are not ready yet and I am mostly waiting.
The rig is not even anchored yet and it is moving a lot.
Just before I decided to type this I was sitting in a typical office chair with wheels and I had my feet on the desk reading a book.... as I was reading the motion of rig was making the chair roll around and I was making a quarter circle with my feet at the center. The weird thing is that I am usually very easily motion-sick, but so far here I am OK. I cannot say that I understand why because it makes no sense to me what so ever.
Last night in my little bunk (exactly what you would imagine on a working ship) I slept the best sleep I have had in a long time. We don't even rock side to side. We seem to be rolling around. I have been told that once the rig is anchored and lowered the motion will be negligeable. I hope it is true because looking down a microscope with this motion is going to be a challenge.

No photos so far because photos are forbidden. I'll try to get a "permit to work" to take photos tomorrow but I am pretty sure that I will not be allowed.