I am back home for a few days before going back to work. Today I a just relaxing though I know I will regret it later on when I have to hurry to finish everything I have to do.
I thought I would post a few photos of Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City...same thing).
The traffic in Ho Chi Minh is crazy...absolutely crazy. Crossing the road is a bit of an adventure but generally if you just walk slowly across the road and just keep on going people will avoid you..or at least scooters will avoid you. They won't stop, they'll just zoom on all around you.

The right lane is usually reserved for scooters and when a car wants to turn right they have to cut the flow of scooters. Here the same rule that applies to pedestrians applies to cars: they have to go slow and keep on going letting the scooters avoid them.

People carry absolutely everything on scooters, and ridiculous amount of stuff.

They rest and read on them...when they are parked, but they do dial cell phones and talk on phones even in the crazy traffic.

And a common sight is women with long gloves and face masks while riding their scooters. The face masks they wear anyway on and off scooters, but from what I could see the long gloves seems to be kept for scooter riding.