My personal laptop on the night stand with the two water is empty but not discarded yet...I didn't clean for the picture.
The bed is used as extra desk space when I am not sleeping.
Print out of one of the chameleon picture I took on the wall. It is positioned so it looks like the chameleon is looking at the person in bed, or at the empty space on the pillow when the bed is empty.
Desk in front of the window with the work laptop.
Note the piece of toilet paper hanging from the air conditioner on which I put drops of lavender oil when I want my room to smell relaxing.

The desk:
Work laptop and monitor of work monitoring system put in a way that I can see it from my bed.
A kettle.. It was actually hard to find one here but life is not worth it without it.
A box of mango juice bought in town yesterday.
My cup...somehow having your own cup feels like a treat.
My knife..never be without it. I always have in the same pocket and when I go to town and take it out I often find myself feeling for it, missing it.
A little pile of rocks picked on the road sitting next to a business card.
Some paper
A copy of "the Famished Road" by Ben Okri...which I am having a really hard time reading and I may abandon.
Two little wooden sculptures (one African buffalo, one hippo) bought from one local guy.

I know Christmas is long gone, but since I am showing how I live: this was Christmas dinner.

And this is the Polish crew I work with. Great guys!!! Really great guys.