Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Well, I haven't blogged in a while. I arrived in Nairobi something like 5 or 6 days ago and I have have been busy with various stuff.
Nairobi turns out to be a fairly easy city to get around once you get the idea that waiting for buses at the bus stop is not the best way to handle it and it is best to go to a traffic light and jump on the bus when there is still space in it...It make people laugh to see a muzugu do it, but hey I don't want to have to wait for ever....I should say a "muzugu" is a white person...I was a"whitey" in Trinidad, now I am a "muzugu"..what ever!

As luck would have it (I guess I could have checked) July is the only month of winter in Kenya and after Algeria I found Nairobi pretty cold with drizzly rain and lows around 20C -I would guess I don't actually know the temperature.

Tomorrow morning I am leaving for Maasailand and on August 22nd I have to be back at the rig. My plane ticket is scheduled to arrive in London on August 18th so it may all actually all work out with out a ticket change which would be amazing...If there is even a two day delay on the rig timing I will go to Calgary even just for 2 days...I'll see how it goes.

Here is a revelation to me: the problem with travelling a lot is that things do not seems that "exotic" anymore. Nairobi and driving to Nakuru and Kericho, even with the crazy african driving, do not seem that exotic.
The sister of the woman I am staying at said to me today "you look so comfortable here, you look like you are a Kenian. You look like you have been living here for years and years." I think they were a bit chocked to see me go down town Nairobi on my own on the first day and rent a car on the third day. Most of the volunteers are fairly young women so it is probably where the difference is.

I took the sister mentioned above to lunch today to a fairly nice coffee shop and sitting next to us was two french guys talking about traveling in Somalia and safety issues and places to be and guns and stuff like this I thought for a while that I was on the rig listening to the OLCs (security guys) going on about their war games....

One thing though on my driving trip I did see the Great Rift! How cool is that?!?

The photo is the young "house girl" cooking our evening meal in the modern apartment of Nairobi.