After I got everybody in a mess so I could get my malaria pills delivered to me (thanks Dave!) I found out that to go volunteer in Kenya I need to get a police record! Bummer! I wish they had mentioned it earlier...When I was still in Canada might have been a good time!
I had a bummed out all day today being totally dissapointed at the idea of not going, but slowly I am coming to the conclusion that I should to Kenya and Tanzania anyway. Just for a little bit, just for a holiday before going back home.
I was getting used to the idea of going somewhere else than home.
One of the gazillions of problem with this "not going home" plan is that I am not really packed to travel on a holiday. I did bring a small back back thinking that I was going trekking in the Tassili. But I have no back pack big enough to go travel around Africa. I have no bathing suit (Clearly a huge emergency right there) etc. Still I think that I should just go anyway.