Friday, June 16, 2006

One night in town

With the problems we have at work there isn't much for me to do at the rig.
The alternative is to go to Hassi Messaoud (an hour flight away in a Twin Otter) and stay at the base where the oil company has its offices and its accomodation. It is an OK place, it even has a swimming pool but it is the office and you cannot leave the compound unless you have a driver etc other words it has potential for becoming very boring something like 10 mintes after the first shower...And even then the shower is not that fact I noticed yesterday that the water coming out of the shower was salty. The well water we have here at the rig, which I grant you does have some bacteria, is fresh water.

After a all rigamarole yesterday afternoon the in-country-manager decided that I should go to town, officially because I have been here for 9 weeks and I need a break, in reality because he was having a BBQ and needed more women!! and that is the plain truth!! And you know it is sad when I am invited as a female figure as opposed to as one of the guys!!! sad, sad, sad!

Anyway, I wanted to buy some lemonade crystals...I have had this huge craving for lemonade made out of those gross crystals...don't ask. I also wanted some soap that smells better than what they give us at the rig and a few stupid things like this, so I went.
The BBQ could have done with some atmosphere..any atmosphere...
I have no bathing suit here with me so the pool was out....I honestly came to Algeria having done the worst packing job ever!!
The evening was a bit of a fiasco...well, maybe not fiasco but a "flop" for sure.

The thing I always have to think about when I have a chance to go to Hassi Messaoud is the plane ride...I get sick in that plane the trip has to be fun to be worth it.

I did sleep very well on a big comfortable bed with a soft pillow and I woke up only once wondering why it was so quiet and where I was....Of course I always wake up many times, but only once did I wonder...I slept like a just that made it worth the trip....the soft mattress, the soft pillow and the cosy light duvet were heaven! Luxury, luxury, Luxury!