Friday, June 23, 2006
On I go
so why do I even care about muslim women's issue?
Honestly over a year ago I had decided that I had enough of the crusade for women's right. Women can be so frustrating, going for the cutesy factor, working at "catching" rich men etc... and I had decided that I was going to continue making sure that my life was what I wanted it to be but I was not going to step up to defend other women...and then.....TA DUM!!
P. and S. had a daughter!
So pretty much I can't give up... I know one woman does not make a difference but one woman + one woman + one woman +.....(you see where I am going) can make a world of difference.
She just turned one, and she likes chocolate!!!
Chocolate apart, doesn't she look to you like she is at least three!