Sunday, December 23, 2007

Rose and Esmeralda the photo stars

This is Rose, the turtle. She is very cute, fast and spunky.But she has a blinking problem...she blinks when you take her photo...(she doesn't really I am just joking. Honestly what are the odds that she would blink at that moment?!? I only saw it afterward when I downloaded the photos.)

Esmeralda is a tortoise and she slower, more passive and looks totally different. She .....the gender things is just entirely made up, I have no idea I was saying...she looks totally different from Rose. I should say that I do not mean to suggest that tortoise are always slower than turtles. I have no way of knowing that.
I love Esmeralda's eyes.
And she already has had a rough life as the scar on her shell shows.