Friday, November 16, 2007


You may, or may not remember that in Kazakhstan I got to see wild tulips as beautiful as any garden tulip grow in the spring in the middle of the steppe.
Today I saw a wild amaryllis! It was white and just as big as those we can by home, just not as tall.
Remember I do not have my camera so this is a picture from the BBC site.
for those of you would cannot remember what amaryllis are.
So here you have it, amaryllis grow wild in Mozambique...Who knew?

I also saw some jasmine today. Of course I smelt it way before I saw it. It was so nice on my late afternoon walk, when the heat eases off a little, to find all those. I do wish I had my camera because a local tree is in bloom and had beautiful white feathery flowers, a bit like Eucalyptus flowers but white. I also know a spot where small iris are blooming. It seems there are a lot of white flowers and few yellows, one bright bright reddish pink flower too, but so far no blues.

I also notice today that many trees have composite leaves but no trees have leaves with serrated edges...This is not a formal survey of anything, so it could be wrong, but if there are tree leaves with serrated edges thy are not plentiful.

I miss having my camera!
I had to drive somewhere today (added the next day) and I saw more amaryllis and one by the side of the road exactly like the one in the picture...I haven't seen any red ones yet.