Monday, August 20, 2007

Other animals you really need to watch for on the road

-monkeys.... very common, they are terrible at crossing the road!
-buffaloes (the african ones)
-antelopes of all kind
-giraffes (only happened to me once)
-turtles (only after a light rain from my experience)
-goats and cows!!!! Happens all the time... near habitations
Various other unidentified fury creatures running with their little fury tails straight up in the air...
Oops, I nearly forgot: Chameleons!...I did post something about chameleons, didn't I?!?
Anyway, just in case here is one of them with his tail as straight as a sword, a sure sign that he is terrified... I saw him late (they are small) and the only way to avoid him was to put him in between the wheels so I wouldn't run him over. So you can understand that he had good reasons to be terrified.I guess it also shows what type of road I drive on at work...this is the road!