Thursday, August 30, 2007

Namibia desert plants

I would guess that apart from the Welwitschia the silver green bushes in this photo are probably the most famous plant in Namibia. Their milk is extremely poisonous and the San people used its "milk" as poison on their arrows. Amazingly enough some animals like the black rhino craze on it.
............added later: A finally found its name. it is a Euphorbia also known as Milk Bush but apparently there are many many kinds of Euphorbia in southern Africa...... and it is Euphorbia damarana (see post above, obviously added after this post..I am adding this afterwards)

The rest are basically just plants that I liked.
This one looked to me as if it was related to the typical household jade plant, but hte leaves were larger and rounder.

when you see a bloom in the desert it is impossible to resist the temptation of taking a photo.