Sunday, July 01, 2007

catching up

Ok, so I haven't blogged in a very long time.
What has happened since last time? Not much I would say.

I worked and I went home.
I worked in Mozambique on the rig, worked in Johannesburg in the office where I encountered more computer problems than one can reasonably expect. I was in Calgary for 4 hours, 45 minutes of which I spent home and then flew to Baltimore.

I spent a week in and around Baltimore and swam in the warm water with the ancestral looking horseshoe crabs, even on the day a spectacular storm rolled in. I love this photo. It was just a "let's try how this comes out" and it really worked out. Three or four really worked out, I'm kind of happy about that.

I flew home for 5 days where I managed to do all the boring stuff one has to do (taxes, pay bills, meet with accountant etc)...Then back to work early because of the computer problems I had when I left.

I am spending a week in Johannesburg.
Today is Sunday and I am taking the day off.

That it folks you have now caught up.