Tuesday, December 12, 2006

More about my trip to Gardhaia

I just want to show a couple more things about Gardhaia. I am thinking about it because today JVS came for lunch and asked me about it.

The woman in the photo is typical of women of Gardhaia, mozabite women, this is the only way you see then outside. Now in Gardhaia you can actually see a few women who are not mozabite and cover their hair and wear the face veil, but do not cover themselves entirely apart from one eye.
It was really weird to make eye contact with the mozabite women. Like all human beings they were curious to look at a foreigner in their town, but they really are not suppose to stare. They did stare though.

This was just a normal little boy in the street.

Some old part of towns were restricted and you could only enter them accompanied by a guide. To make sure that some part of the town stayed private, to make sure that people did not take picture of the covered women, and to make sure that nobody wandered the street in shorts or anything like this.

This is one of the guides. He was quite funny but unfortunately not very informative. But there was no choice. He was the only guide to be had for this part of town.