Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I haven't blogged in a long time...the thing is really nothing has happened. I basically have been home struggling with a sore back on and off, painting part of the house (only a little bit) and reading, reading reading reading.
Mostly I read "cozies"murder mysteries with no violence...basically old british ladies finding bodies etc etc....
Among all this crap I did read one interesting book "the seven daughters of Eve" by Bryan Sykes, a book about the mitonchondrial ancestry of humans. It was actually a pretty good book, but the author comes across as an arrogant scientist.

Calgary has been cold...sort of...in the -10C to +5C range, icy and miserable.

I am supposed to go back to work on the 18th...I can't say that I am looking forward to it. I hear that at night it is getting down to +5C in Algeria right now...brrrrrrrrrrr!