Saturday, September 16, 2006

nature versus nurture

How to explain what seems to be different type of people in different countries?

Is it really just culture and /or religion?

Could it be more and in fact could it be an inheritance?

Is there such a thing as French temperament? British temperament? Etc etc

This is of course the same question about the difference between men and women…the old nature versus nurture question.

A. (she knows who she is) warns of the difference between religious views and cultural views… and she is right. If you were to judge Christianity on the action of the so-called Christian world the all thing would come out looking pretty bad.
Jeeze, right now if you judge Christianity based on the action of the pope the all thing comes out looking pretty bad.

I think, now more than ever before, that the world would be a better place without any religions…. I thought that the next wars were going to be water-wars, but I have to say that right now I think that the next wars…well…really the present wars too, so maybe I am cheating….will be (are) wars of religion.

Did you ever think that the cross on ambulances were the cross of Christianity? I thought, maybe naively that it was the cross of a bandage!...
Other people thought different. In the photo with this blog you can see the ambulance we have here on location.