Sunday, August 27, 2006

the Muqaddimah

I never mentioned: I found a copy of an abridged version of the Muqaddimah by Ibn Khaldun.
Some of you may remember that I wanted to read it after a recommendation by my friend Y. who lives in the Mzab.

The book was originally written in the 14th century, the first translation was published in 1956 (I think, or something like this), another abridged version came out in 1967 (or, again, something like this) and a new edition was just put out in 2005.
As luck would have it I first heard of it in 2006 so it wasn't THAT hard to find in London.

So far I am just at the introduction.

By the way the full title is "the Muqaddimah, an Introduction to History" and "muqaddimah" does mean "introduction".
From the introduction of " The Introduction" I suspect that it is one of those books best read in the original language, but considering how slowly I am learning modern arabic I think it best if I read it in english!!!!!